const int ledPinCyan = 2; //PWM0/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer3
const int ledPinUV = 3; //PWM1/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer3
const int ledPinWhite = 12; //PWM2/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer1
const int ledPinRoyBlue = 7; //PWM3/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer4
const int ledPinBlue = 5; //PWM4/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer3
const int ledPinRed = 6; //PWM5/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer4
const int ledPinTV = 8; //PWM6/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer4
const int ledPinYellow = 11; //PWM7/0-10V 11bit timer, Timer1
const int ledPinMoon = 4; //PWM8 moon, 8bit timer, Timer0
const int PinFlash = A8; //14; //19;
const int Heatsink1_FansPWM = 44; //Fan-PWM0 Heatsink1 Fan, Timer5
const int Heatsink2_FansPWM = 9; //Fan-PWM1 Heatsink2 Fan, Timer2
const int Heatsink3_FansPWM = 10; //Fan-PWM2 Heatsink3 Fan, Timer2
const int tempHeatPin = A9; // power switch0 Heater on/off (set thermostat on heater to highest desired level)
const int tempChillPin = 46; // power switch1 Chiller on/off (set thermostat on chiller to lowest desired level)
const int
const intPowerSwitch2 = 45; // power switch2
const int PowerSwitch3 = A14; // power switch3
const int tempAlarmPin = A11; // Buzzer Alarm for Temperature error
//const int WirelessSPI_CS = A8;
const int WirelessW_CE = A10;
const int WirelessW_IRQ = A12;
const int Temp_SensorBus0 = A15;
//const int Temp_SensorBus1 = A13;
OneWire OneWireBus(Temp_SensorBus0); //DS18B20 Temperature sensors pin - first sensor bus
//OneWire OneWireBus1(Temp_SensorBus1); //DS18B20 Temperature sensors pin - second sensor bus
const int SDchipSelect = 53; //SD card attached to SPI bus as follows: MISO -pin 50, MOSI -pin 51, CLK- pin 52
const int BackLite = 13; //PWMx 8bit timer, Timer0
это распиновка ( PinFlash = A8; //14; //19;)что это за свет ? или это зеленый сампа.
PowerSwitch2 = 45; // power switch2 PowerSwitch3 = A14; // power switch3 и с этим не понятно что подключается к этим пинам .